Publications |
- Kun-Yi Huang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Qian-Bei Hong, Ming-Hsiang Su, and Yuan-Rong Zeng, “Speech Emotion Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network with Audio Word-based Embedding,” in Proceedings of ISCSLP2018, Taipei, Taiwan, November 26-29, 2018.
- Ming-Hsiang Su, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Kun-Yi Huang, Qian-Bei Hong, and Huai-Hung Huang, “Follow-up Question Generation using Pattern-based Seq2seq with a Small Corpus for Interview Coaching,” in Proceedings of Interspeech2018, Hyderabad, India, September 2-6, 2018.
- Ming-Hsiang Su, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Kun-Yi Huang, Qian-Bei Hong, “LSTM-based Text Emotion Recognition Using Semantic and Emotional Word Vectors,” in Proceedings of 2018 First Asian Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII Asia), Beijing, China, May 20~22, 2018.
- Qian-Bei Hong, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Ming-Hsiang Su, Kun-Yi Huang, “Exploring Macroscopic Fluctuation of Facial Expression for Mood Disorder Classification,” in Proceedings of 2018 First Asian Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII Asia), Beijing, China, May 20~22, 2018.
- Sih-Huei Chen, Yuan-Shan Lee, Yu-Sheng Hsu, Chung-Hsien Wu, Jia-Ching Wang, “Locality-Preserving Complex-Valued Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model for Robust Face Recognition,” in Proceedings of ICASSP2018, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, April 15–20, 2018.
- Ming-Hsiang Su, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Kun-Yi Huang, Chu-Kwang Chen, “Attention-Based Dialog State Tracking for Conversational Interview Coaching,” in Proceedings of ICASSP2018, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, April 15–20, 2018.
- Kun-Yi Huang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Ming-Hsiang Su and Jia-Hui Chou, “Mood Disorder Identification Using Deep Bottleneck Features of Elicited Speech,” in Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, Kuala Lumpure, Malaysia, December 12~15, 2017.
- Ming-Hsiang Su, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Kun-Yi Huang, Qian-Bei Hong and Hsin-Min Wang, “Personality Trait Perception from Speech Signals Using Multiresolution Analysis and Convolutional Neural Networks,” in Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, Kuala Lumpure, Malaysia, December 12~15, 2017.
- Ming-Hsiang Su, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Kun-Yi Huang, Qian-Bei Hong and Hsin-Min Wang, “A Chatbot Using LSTM-based Multi-Layer Embedding for Elderly Care,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Orange Technology, Singapore, December 8~10, 2017.
- Ming-Hsiang Su, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Kun-Yi Huang, Qian-Bei Hong and Hsin-Min Wang, “Exploring Microscopic Fluctuation of Facial Expression for Mood Disorder Classification,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Orange Technology, Singapore, December 8~10, 2017.
- Chien Yao Wang , Andri Santoso, Seksan Mathulaprangsan, Chin Chin Chiang, Chung Hsien Wu, Jia Ching Wang, “Recognition and Retrieval of Sound Events Using Sparse Coding Convolutional Neural Networks,” in Proceedings of ICME2017, Hong Kong, China, July 10~14, 2017. (Finalist of the World’s FIRST 10K Best Paper Award, as top 3% papers of the main program paper submissions)
- Kun-Yi Huang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Ming-Hsiang Su, Hsiang-Chi Fu, “Mood Detection from Daily Conversational Speech using Denoising Autoencoder and LSTM,” in Proceedings of ICASSP2017, New Orleans, USA, March 5~9, 2017.
- Po-Yuan Shih, Chia-Ping Chen, Chung-Hsien Wu, “Speech Emotion Recognition with Ensemble Learning Methods,” in Proceedings of ICASSP2017, New Orleans, USA, March 5~9, 2017.
- Yuan-Shan Lee, Chien-Yao Wang, Shu-Fan Wang, Jia-Ching Wang, Chung-Hsien Wu, “Fully Complex Deep Neural Network for Phase-Incorporating Monaural Source Separation,” in Proceedings of ICASSP2017, New Orleans, USA, March 5~9, 2017.
- Sih-Huei Chen, Jia-Ching Wang, Wen-Chi Hsieh, Yu-Hao Chin, Chin-Wen Ho, Chung-Hsien Wu, “Speech Emotion Classification Using Multiple Kernel Gaussian Process,” in Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, Jeju, Korea, December 13~16, 2016.
- Kun-Yi Huang, Chung-Hsien Wu, Tsung-Hsien Yang, Ming-Hsiang Su, and Jia-Hui Chou, “Speech Emotion Recognition using Autoencoder Bottleneck Ffeatures and LSTM,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Orange Technology, Melboune, Australia, December 17~20, 2016.
- Ming-Hsiang Su, Tsung-Hsien Yang, Wu-Hsuan, Lin and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Answer Extraction for Question Answering using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Delta Bayesian Information Criterion,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Orange Technology, Melboune, Australia, December 17~20, 2016.
- Tsung-Hsien Yang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Ming-Hsiang Su, and Chia-Cheng Chang, “Detection of Mood Disorder using Modulation Spectrum of Facial Action Unit Profiles,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Orange Technology, Melboune, Australia, December 17~20, 2016.
- Ming-Hsiang Su, Kun-Yi Huang, Tsung-Hsien Yang, Kuan-Jung Lai and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Dialog State Tracking and Dialog Action Detection Using Deep Learning Mechanism for Interview Coaching,” In Proceedings of The 20th International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP 2016), Tainan, Taiwan, November 21~23, 2016.
- Tsung-Hsien Yang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Kun-Yi Huang, and Ming-Hsiang Su, “Detection of Mood Disorder Using Speech Emotion Profiles and LSTM,” in Proceedings of ISCSLP-2016, Tianjin, China, October 17~20, 2016.
- Ming-Hsiang Su, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Kun-Yi Huang, Tsung-Hsien Yang, and Tsui-Ching Huang, “Dialog State Tracking for Interview Coaching Using Two-Level LSTM,” in Proceedings of ISCSLP-2016, Tianjin, China, October 17~20, 2016.
- Kun-Yi Huang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Yu-Ting Kuo, and Fong-Lin Jang, “Unipolar Depression vs. Bipolar Disorder: An Elicitation-based Approach to Short-Term Detection of Mood Disorder,” in Proceedings of Interspeech2016, San Francisco, September 8~12, 2016.
- Yan-You Chen, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Yu-Fong Huang, “Generation of Emotion Control Vector using MDS-based Space Transformation for Expressive Speech Synthesis,” in Proceedings of Interspeech2016, San Francisco, September 8~12, 2016.
- Kun-Yi Huang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Yu-Ting Kuo, Hsian-Hsuan Yen, Fong-Lin Jang, Yu-Hsien Chiu, “Data Collection of Elicited Facial Expressions and Speech Responses for Mood Disorder Detection,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Orange Technology, Hong Kong, December 19~22, 2015.
- Yu-Hsien Chiu, Wei-Hao Chen, Yu-Wei Hung, Hsien-Chang Wang, Kun-Yi Huang, Chung-Hsien Wu, “Extraction and Representation of Nursing Diagnosis for Assisted Assessment and Affective Analysis,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Orange Technology, Hong Kong, December 19~22, 2015.
- Ming-Hsiang Su, Wu-Hsuan, Lin, Tsung-Hsien Yang, Chung-Hsien Wu, “Automatic Text Segmentation from Unstructured Data Using LDA and Delta-BIC,” in Proceedings of the 2015 National Computer Symposium (NCS 2015), Pingdong, Taiwan, December 18~19, 2015.
- Chung-Hsien Wu* and Wei-Bin Liang, “Emotion Recognition of Affective Speech Based on Multiple Classifiers Using Acoustic-Prosodic Information and Semantic Labels (Extended Abstract).” in Proceedings of the 6-th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII2015), Xi’An, China, 2015. (Invited paper, most influential articles of IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (TAC))
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Jen-Chun Lin, Wei-Bin Liang, and Kuan-Chun Cheng, “Hierarchical Modeling of Temporal Course in Emotional Expression for Speech Emotion Recognition.” in Proceedings of The 1st International Workshop on Affective Social Multimedia Computing (ASMMC 2015), Xi’An, China, 2015. (The Most Interesting Paper Award)
- Yi-Chin Huang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Ming-Ge Shie, “Fluent Personalized Speech Synthesis with ProsodicWord-Level Spontaneous Speech Generation.” in Proceedings of Inetrspeech 2015, Dresden, Germany, 2015.
- Kun-Yi Huang, Jia-Kuan Lin, Yu-Hsien Chiu, and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Affective Structure Modeling of Speech Using Probabilistic Context Free Grammar for Emotion Recognition.” in Proceedings of ICASSP2015, Brisbane, Australia, April 19~24, 2015.
- Wei-Bin Liang, Hsien-Chang Wang, Yi-An Chu and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Emoticon Recommendation in Microblog using Affective Trajectory Model.” in Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, Siem Reap, city of Angkor Wat, Cambodia, December 9~12, 2014.
- Jen-Chun Lin, Wen-Li Wei, Chung-Hsien Wu and Hsin-Min Wang, “Emotion Recognition of Conversational Affective Speech Using Temporal Course Modeling-Based Error Weighted Cross-Correlation Model.” in Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, Siem Reap, city of Angkor Wat, Cambodia, December 9~12, 2014.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Jen-Chun Lin, and Wen-Li Wei, “Action Unit Reconstruction of Occluded Facial Expression.” in Proceedings of International Conference on Orange Technology, Xi’an, China, September 20~24, 2014.
- Ming-Hsiang Su, Yu-Ting Zheng, and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Interlocutor Personality Perception based on BFI Profiles and Coupled HMMs in a Dyadic Conversation.” Proceedings of ISCSLP-2014, Singapore, September 12~14, 2014.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Yi-Chin Huang, Shih-Lun Lin, and Chia-Ping Chen, “Natural Speech Synthesis Based On Hybrid Approach with Candidate Expansion and Verification.” in Proceedings of ICASSP2014, Florence, Italy, May 4-9, 2014.
- Han-Ping Shen, Nobuaki Minematsu, Steven Weinberger, Takehiko Makino, J. Novak, Teeraphon Pongkittiphan, Chung-Hsien Wu, "Speaker-based pronunciation clustering of World Englishes based on pronunciation structure analysis."IEICE Technical Report, SP2012-116, pp.7-12, 2013.
- Han-Ping Shen, Nobuaki Minematsu, Steven. Weinberger, Takehiko Makino, Teeraphon Pongkittiphan, Chung-Hsien Wu, "Speaker-based pronunciation clustering using World Englishes and pronunciation structure." Spring Meeting of Acoustical Society of Japan, 3-7-5,pp.363-366, 2013.
- Han-Ping Shen, Nobuaki Minematsu, Takehiko Makino, Steven Weinberger, Teeraphon Pongkittiphan, Chung-Hsien Wu, "Speaker-based accented English clustering using a world English archive", in Proceedings of SLaTE, Grenoble, France, 2013.
- Han-Ping Shen, Nobuaki Minematsu, Takehiko Makino, Steven H. Weinberger, Teeraphon Pongkittiphan, and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Auotmatic Prounciation Clustering Using a World English Archive and Prounciation Structure Analysis.” in Proc. of ASRU2013, Olomouc, Czech Republic, December 8-12, 2013.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Jen-Chun Lin, Wen-Li Wei and Kuan-Chun Cheng, “Emotion Recognition from Multi-Modal Information.” in Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, October 29 – November 1, 2013.
- Chia-Jui Liu, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Yu-Hsien Chiu, “BFI-Based Speaker Personality Perception Using Acoustic-Prosodic Features.” in Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, October 29 – November 1, 2013.
- Liang-Chih Yu, Chao-Hong Liu and Chung-Hsien Wu, “Candidate Scoring Using Web-Based Measure for Chinese Spelling Error Correction.” Proceedings of the Seventh SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing (SIGHAN-7), pages 108–112, Nagoya, Japan, 14 October 2013.
- Yi-Chin Huang, Chung-Hsien Wu* and Shih-Lun Lin, “Residual Compensation based on Articulatory Feature-based Phone Clustering for Hybrid Mandarin Speech Synthesis.” in Proc. of the 8th Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW8), Barcelona, Spain, 2013.
- Wei-Bin Liang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, and Chun-Shan Hsu, “Code-Switching Event Detection Based on Delta-BIC Using Phonetic Eigenvoice Models.” in Proceedings of Inetrspeech 2013, Lyon, France, 2013.
- Jen-Chun Lin, Chung-Hsien Wu*, and Wen-Li Wei, “Emotion Recognition of Conversational Affective Speech Using Temporal Course Modeling.” in Proceedings of Inetrspeech 2013, Lyon, France, 2013.
- Yi-Chin Huang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Shih-Lun Lin, “Personalized Natural Speech Synthesis based on Retrieval of Pitch Patterns Using Hierarchical Fujisaki Model.” in Proceedings of ICASSP2013, Vancouver, Canada, May 26- 31, 2013.
- Jen-Chun Lin, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Wen-Li Wei, “Facial Action Unit Prediction under Partial Occlusion Based on Error Weighted Cross-Correlation Model.” in Proceedings of ICASSP2013, Vancouver, Canada, May 26- 31, 2013.
- Wen-Li Wei, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Jen-Chun Lin, Han Li, “Interaction Style Detection Based on Fused Cross-Correlation Model in Spoken Conversation.” in Proceedings of ICASSP2013, Vancouver, Canada, May 26- 31, 2013.
- Jen-Chun Lin, Chung-Hsien Wu*, and Wen-Li Wei, “A Probabilistic Fusion Strategy for Audiovisual Emotion Recognition of Sparse and Noisy Data.” in Proceedings of International Conference on Orange Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, 2013.
- Chao-Hong Liu, Chung-Hsien Wu*, David Sarwono, “Alternative Hypothesis Generation Using A Weighted Kernel Feature Matrix For ASR Substitution Error Correction.” Proceedings of ISCSLP-2012, Hong Kong, Dec. 5~8, 2012.
- Yi-Chin Huang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Sz-Ting Weng, “Hierarchical Prosodic Pattern Selection Based On Fujisaki Model For Natural Mandarin Speech Synthesis.” Proceedings of ISCSLP-2012, Hong Kong, Dec. 5~8, 2012.
- Ru-Yng Chang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, and Philips Kokoh Prasetyo, “ESL Error Classification in a CALL System based on Multi-type Information Features.” In Proceedings of the 15th International CALL Research Conference, Taichung, Taiwan, 93-98.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Ru-Yng Chang, and Philips Kokoh Prasetyo, “Relation Pattern and T-Score Features for CSL Error Sentence Classification.” In Proceedings of the 15th International CALL Research Conference, Taichung, Taiwan, 661-664.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Han-Ping Shen, Yan-Ting Yang, “Phone Set Construction Based on Context-Sensitive Articulartory Attributes for Code-Switching Speech Recognition.” in Proceedings of ICASSP2012, Kyoto, Japan, March 25 - 30, 2012.
- Chia-Ping Chen, Yi-Chin Huang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Kuan-De Lee, “Cross-Lingual Frame Selection Method for Polyglot Speech Synthesis.” in Proceedings of ICASSP2012, Kyoto, Japan, March 25 - 30, 2012.
- Han-Ping Shen, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Yan-Ting Yang and Chun-Shan Hsu, “CECOS: A Chinese-English Code-Switching Speech Database.” in Proceedings of Oriental COCOSDA international conference 2011, Hsinchu, October 26~28, 2011.
- Han-Ping Shen, Chung-Hsien Wu* and Pei-Shan Tsai, “Transformation-based Accented Speech Modeling Using Articulatory Attributes for Non-Native Speech Recognition.” in Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference 2011 (APSIPA ASC 2011), Xi’an, China, October 17~21, 2011.
- Wen-Li Wei, Chung-Hsien Wu* and Jen-Chun Lin, “A Regression Approach to Affective Rating of Chinese Words from ANEW.” in Proceedings of the fourth bi-annual International Conference of the HUMAINE Association on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII2011), Memphis, Tennessee on October 9 to 12, 2011.
- Jen-Chun Lin, Chung-Hsien Wu* and Wen-Li Wei, “Semi-Coupled Hidden Markov Model with State-Based Alignment Strategy for Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition.” in Proceedings of the fourth bi-annual International Conference of the HUMAINE Association on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII2011), Memphis, Tennessee on October 9 to 12, 2011.
- Sheng-Chieh Lee, Bo-Wei Chen, Jhing-Fa Wang, Chung-HsienWu, and Min-Jian Liao, “An Efficient Pre-processing Scheme to Improve the Sound Source Localization System in Noisy Environment.” in Proceedings of INTERSPEECH2011, Florence, Italy, 27-31 August 2011.
- Chien-Lin Huang, Bin Ma, Haizhou Li, and Chung-HsienWu, “Speech Indexing Using Semantic Context Inference.” in Proceedings of INTERSPEECH2011, Florence, Italy, 27-31 August 2011.
- Chao-Hong Liu, Chung-HsienWu*, David Sarwono, and Jhing-Fa Wang, “Candidate Generation for ASR Output Error Correction Using a Context-Dependent Syllable Cluster-Based Confusion Matrix.” in Proceedings of INTERSPEECH2011, Florence, Italy, 27-31 August 2011.
- Ren-Ying Fang, Bo-Wei Chen, Jhing-Fa Wang, and Chung-HsienWu, “Emotion Detection Based on Concept Inference and Spoken Sentence Analysis for Customer Service.” in Proceedings of INTERSPEECH2011, Florence, Italy, 27-31 August 2011.
- Wei-Bin Liang, Chung-HsienWu*, Chih-Hung Wang, and Jhing-Fa Wang, “Interactional Style Detection for Versatile Dialogue Response Using Prosodic and Semantic Features.” in Proceedings of INTERSPEECH2011, Florence, Italy, 27-31 August 2011.
- Wei-Bin Liang, Chung-HsienWu*, and Chia-Ping Chen, “Semantic Information and Derivation Rules for Robust Dialogue Act Detection in a Spoken Dialogue System.” in Proceedings of the Conference of The 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, June 19-24, 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA, pp. 603~608.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Chung-Han Lee and Ze-Jing Chung, “Co-articulation Generation Using Maximum Direction Change and Apparent Motion for Chinese Visual Speech Synthesis.” in Proceedings of 2010 International Computer Symposium (ICS), Tainan, Taiwan, 2010. (Best Paper Award)
- Jen-Chun Lin, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Wen-Li Wei and Chia-Jui Liu, “Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition Using Semi-Coupled HMM and Error-Weighted Classifier Combination.” in Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, Singapore, December 14 - 17, 2010.
- Ru-Yng Chang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, and Philips Kokoh Prasetyo, “Error Diagnosis Using Penalized Probabilistic FOIL for Chinese as a Second Language Learner.” in Proceedings of ISCSLP-2010, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov. 29~Dec. 2, 2010.
- Chao-Hong Liu and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Sentence Decomplexification Using Holistic Aspect-Based Clause Detection for Long Sentence Understanding.” in Proceedings of ISCSLP-2010, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov. 29~Dec. 2, 2010.
- Pei-Shan Tsai, Han-Pin Shen, Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Pronunciation Variation Model Generation based on Pronunciation Event Verification for Multi-Lingual Speech Recognition.” in Proceedings of ROCLING2010, Nantou, Taiwan, 2010. (Best Paper Award)
- Yi-Chin Huang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Chung-Han Lee and Yu-Ting Chao, “Voice Conversion using Precise Speech Alignment based on Spectral Property and Eigen-Codeword Distribution.” in Proceedings of the 7th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW7). Kyoto, Japan, 2010.
- Chao-Hong Liu and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Prosodic Word-Based Error Correction in Speech Recognition Using Prosodic Word Expansion and Contextual Information.” in Proceedings of INTERSPEECH2010, Makuhari, Japan, 2010.
- Wei-Bin Liang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Yu-Cheng Hsiao, “Dialogue Act Detection in Error-Prone Spoken Dialogue Systems Using Partial Sentence Tree and Latent Dialogue Act Matrix.” in Proceedings of INTERSPEECH2010, Makuhari, Japan, 2010.
- Liang-Chih Yu, Hsiu-Min Shih, Yu-Ling Lai, Jui-Feng Yeh and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Discriminative Training for Near-Synonym Substitution.” in Proceedings of The 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2010), Beijing, China, 2010, pp. 1254-1262.. (Acceptance rate 19% for oral presentation)
- Jun-Bin Yeh and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Extraction of Robust Visual Phrases Using Graph Mining for Image Retrieval” in Proceedings of ISCAS2010, Paris, France, 2010, pp. 3682~3684
- Chung-Han Lee, Chung-Hsien Wu* and Jun-Cheng Guo, “Pronunciation Variation Generation for Spontaneous Speech Synthesis Using State-Based Voice Transformation.” in Proceedings of ICASSP2010, Dallas, Texas, USA, March 15-19, 2010, pp. 4286~4289.
- Chao-Hong Liu and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Semantic Role Labeling with Discriminative Feature Selection for Spoken Language Understanding.” in Proceedings of INTERSPEECH2009, Brighton, UK, September 6-10, 2009, pp. 1043~1046.
- Liang-Chih Yu, Chien-Lung Chan, Chung-Hsien Wuand Chao-Cheng Lin, “Mining Association Language Patterns forNegative Life Event Classification.” in Proceedings of the ACL-IJCNLP 2009 Conference Short Papers, pages 201–204, Suntec, Singapore, 4 August 2009.
- Wei-Bin Liang, Yu-Cheng Hsiao, Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Dialogue Act Detection Using Sentence Structure and Partial Pattern Trees.” in Proceedings of ROCLING2009, TaiChung, September 1-2 2009, pp. 223-236.
- Jun-Bin Yeh and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Extraction of Query Term-Related Visual Patterns for News Video Retrieval Using Mutual Information.” in Proceedings of ISCAS2009, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009.
- Chung-Han Lee, Chi-Chun Hsia, Chung-Hsien Wu*, and Mai-Chun Lin, “Regression-based Clustering for Hierarchical Pitch Conversion.” in Proceedings of ICASSP2009, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009.
- Wei-Bin Liang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Yu-Kai Kang, “Recognition of Syllable-Contracted Words in Spontaneous Speech using word expansion and duration information.” in Proceedings of ISCSLP-2008, Kunming, China, Dec. 16~19, 2008.
- Chao-Hong Liu, Chung-Hsien Wu*, and Matthew Harris, “Word Order Correction for Language Transfer using Relative Position Language Modeling.” in Proceedings of ISCSLP-2008, Kunming, China, Dec. 16~19, 2008.
- Jun-Bin Yeh and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Video News Retrieval incorporating Relevant Terms based on Distribution of Document Frequency.” in Proceedings of 2008 Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM2008), Tainan, Taiwan, 2008.
- Ru-Yng Chang and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Propositional Term Extraction over Short Text using Word Cohesiveness and Conditional Random Fields with Multi-Level Features.” in Proceedings of ROCLING-2008, Taipei, 2008.
- Chia-Hsin Hsieh, Chung-Hsien Wu*, and Han-Ping Shen, “Adaptive Decision Tree-based Phone Cluster Models for Speaker Clustering.” in Proceedings of Interspeech2008, Brisbane, Australia, 2008.
- Chien-Lin Huang, Bin Ma, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Brian Mak and Haizhou Li “Robust Speaker Verification Using Short-Time Frequency with Long-Time Window and Fusion of Multi-Resolutions.” in Proceedings of Interspeech2008, Brisbane, Australia, 2008.
- Liang-Chih Yu, Chung-Hsien Wuand Eduard Hovy, “OntoNotes: corpus cleanup of mistaken agreement using word sense disambiguation.” in Proceedings of The 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling2008), Manchester, 18-22 August, 2008.
- Chien-Lin Huang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Chia-Hsin Hsieh, Haizhou Li and Bin Ma, “Unsupervised pronunciation grammar growing using Knowledge-based and data-driven approaches.” in Proceedings of ICME2008, Hannover, Germany, June 23-26, 2008.
- Jui-Feng Yeh, Wei-Bin Liang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Chi-Chiuan Liou, “Interruption point detection of spontaneous speech using prior knowledge and multiple features.” in Proceedings of ICME2008, Hannover, Germany, June 23-26, 2008.
- Hung-Yu Su, Chung-Hsien Wu*, and Pei-Jen Tsai, "'Automatic Assessment of Articulation Disorders Using Confident Unit-Based Model Adaptation.” in Proceedings of ICASSP2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, March 30 - April 4, 2008.
- Jun-Ren Ding, Chien-Lin Huang, Jin-Kun Lin, Jar-Ferr Yang, and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Magic Mirror.” IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2007) pp. 176-185, 2007.
- Liang-Chih Yu, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Andrew Philpot, and Eduard Hovy, "OntoNotes: Sense Pool Verification Using Google N-gram and Statistical Tests." in Proc. of the OntoLex Workshop at the 6th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC '07), Busan, Korea, November 2007.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Chien-Lin Huang, Chin-Shun Hsu, Kuei-Ming Lee, “Speech Retrieval Using Spoken Keyword Extraction and Semantic Verification.” in Proceedings of TENCON2007, Taipei, Taiwan, 2007.
- Chien-Lin Huang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Yi Chen and Chin-Hsun Shu, “Unsupervised Pronunciation Grammar Generation for Non-Native Speech Recognition.” in Proceedings of TENCON2007, Taipei, Taiwan, 2007.
- Jui-Feng Yeh, Chung-Hsien Wu* and Wei-Yen Wu, “Disfluency Correction of Spontaneous Speech using Conditional Random Fields with Variable-Length Features.” in Proceedings of Interspeech 2007, Antwerp, Belgium, 2007.
- Liang-Chih Yu, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Chin-Yew Lin, Eduard Hovy and Chia-Ling Lin, “Topic Analysis for Psychiatric Document Retrieval.” in Proceedings of the Main Conference Sessions of ACL 2007. (Acceptance rate = 24%)
- Chi-Chun Hsia, Chung-Hsien Wu*, and Jian-Qi Wu, “Conversion Function Clustering and Selection for Expressive Voice Conversion.” in Proceedings of ICASSP2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2007.
- Chien-Lin Huang and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Phone Set Generation Using Acoustic and Contextual Analysis for Multilingual Speech Recognition.” in Proceedings of ICASSP2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2007.
- Jui-Feng Yeh, Chung-Hsien Wu* and Wei-Yen Wu, “Contextual Maximum Entropy Model for Edit Disfluency Detection of Spontaneous Speech” Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Series (LNAI4274), ISCSLP 2006, Springer-Verlag, 2006.
- Chien-Lin Huang, Wei-Chuan Lee and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Robust Speech-Annotated Photo Retrieval Using Syllable-Transformed Patterns.” in Proceedings of ISCSLP2006, 2006, pp.333-336.
- Ze-Jing Chuang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Wei-Sheng Chen, “Movement Epenthesis Generation for Sign Language Synthesis Using NURBS Function.” in Proceedings of IEEE TENCON 2006, Hong Kong, 2006.
- Chia-Hsin Hsieh, Chung-Hsien Wu* and Jun-Yu Lin, “Stochastic Vector Mapping-based Feature Enhancement Using Prior Model and Environment Adaptation for Noisy Speech Recognition.” in Proceedings of Interspeech2006, Pittsburgh, 2006.
- Chung-Han Lee and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “MAP-Based Adaptation for Speech Conversion using Adaptation Data Selection and Non-parallel Training.” in Proceedings of Interspeech2006, Pittsburgh, 2006.
- 王士豪, 黃建霖, 吳宗憲*, “利用聲學與文脈分析於多語語音辨識單元之產生.” in Proceedings of ROCLING XVIII , Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2006.
- 葉瑞峰、吳維彥、吳宗憲*, “應用不定長度特徵之條件隨機域於口語不流暢語流修正” in Proceedings of ROCLING 2006, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2006.
- Liang-Chih Yu, Chung-Hsien Wu*, and Fong-Lin Jang, “HAL-based Cascaded Model for Variable-Length Semantic Pattern Induction from Psychiatry Web Resources.” in Proc. of the COLING/ACL 2006 Main Conference Poster Sessions, pp. 945–952, Sydney, July 2006.
- Jui-Feng Yeh, Chung-Hsien Wu* and Mao-Zhu Yang. “Stochastic Discourse Modeling in Spoken Dialogue Systems Using Semantic Dependency Graphs,“ In Proceedings of the Main Conference Poster Sessions of COLING/ACL 2006, pp. 937-944
- Chung-Hsien Wu* and Ze-Jing Chuang, “Emotion Recognition Using IG-based Feature Compensation and Continuous Support Vector Machines.” in Proceedings of 2006 Speech Prosody conference, Dresden, Germany, 2006.
- Shi-Hou Lin, Pi-Fuei Hsieh, and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Facial Phoneme Extraction for Taiwanese Sign Language Recognition.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series (LNCS3784), ACII2005, Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp. 187-194. (SCI)
- Jung-Ning Huang, Pi-Fuei Hsieh, and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Vision-Based Recognition of Hand Shapes in Taiwanese Sign Language.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series (LNCS3784), ACII2005, Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp. 224-231. (SCI)
- Chia-Shiuan Cheng, Pi-Fuei Hsieh, and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Hand Motion Recognition for the Vision-based Taiwanese Sign Language Interpretation.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series (LNCS3784), ACII2005, Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp. 160-167. (SCI)
- Ze-Jing Chuang and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “IG-based Feature Extraction and Compensation for Emotion Recognition from Speech.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series (LNCS3784), ACII2005, Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp.358-365. (SCI)
- 湯士民,莊則敬,吳宗憲, “應用錯誤型態分析於英語發音輔助學習.”in Proceedings of ROCLING XVII, Tainan, Taiwan, 2005.
- Chien-Lin Huang, Chia-Hsin Hsieh and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Audio-Video Summarization of TV News Using Speech Recognition and Shot Change Detection.” in Proceedings of InterSpeech 2005, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2005.
- Chi-Chun Hsia, Te-Hsien Liu, Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Duration-Embedded Bi-HMM for Expressive Voice Conversion.” in Proceedings of InterSpeech 2005, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2005.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Chien-Lin Huang and Chia-Hsin Hsieh, “Spoken Document Summarization and Retrieval for Wireless Application.” in Proceedings of WirelessCom 2005, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 2005.
- Chien-Lin Huang, Chia-Hsin Hsieh and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Spoken Document Summarization Using Acoustic, Prosodic and Semantic Information.” in Proceedings of ICME 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2005. (22% Accepted for oral)
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Chi-Chun Hsia, Jiun-Fu Chen, Te-Hsien Liu, “Variable-length unit selection using LSA-based syntactic structure cost.” in Proceedings of ISCSLP 2004, Hong Kong, 2004.
- Chia-Hsin Hsieh, Chien-Lin Huang and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Spoken document summarization using topic-related corpus and semantic dependency grammar.” in Proceedings of ISCSLP 2004, Hong Kong, 2004.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Jui-Feng Yeh, and Min-Jun Chen, “Speech Act Identification using an Ontology-Based Partial Pattern Tree.” in Proceedings of ICSLP 2004, Jeju, Korea, 2004.
- 陳俊甫,夏啟峻,吳宗憲,“應用機率式句法結構與隱含式語意索引於情緒語音合成之單元選取.”in Proceedings of ROCLING XVI, Taipei, Taiwan, 2004.
- 黃建霖,謝嘉欣, 吳宗憲, 應用語料庫和語意相依法則於中文語音文件之摘要.”in Proceedings of ROCLING XVI, Taipei, Taiwan, 2004.
- Jui-Feng Yeh, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Ming-Jun Chen and Liang-Chih Yu, “Automated Alignment and Extraction of Bilingual Ontology for Cross-Language Domain-Specific Applications.” in Proc. of COLING 2004, 2004
- Ze-Jing Chuang and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Emotion Recognition using Acoustic Features and Textual Content.” In Proceedings of ICME2004, Taipei, Taiwan, 2004.
- Chung-Hsien Wu and Ze-Jing Chuang, “Intelligent Ear for Emotion Recognition: Multi-Modal Emotion Recognition via Acoustic Features, Semantic Contents and Facial Images.” In the Proceedings of The 8th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI2004), 2004.
- Chi-Jiun Shia, Yu-Hsien Chiu and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Language boundary detection and identification of mixed-language speech based on MAP estimation.” in Proceedings of ICASSP2004, Montreal, Canada, 2004.
- Jui-Feng Yeh, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Ming-Jun Chen and Liang-Chih Yu, “Auotmated Alignment and Extraction of Bilingual Domain-Specific Ontology for Medical Domain Web Search.” in Proc. of 3rd workshop on Chinese Language Learning(SigHan), ACL 2004, Barcelona, 2004, pp.65-71.
- Chung-Hsien Wu and Gwo-Lang Yan, “Flexible Speech Act Identification of Spontaneous Speech with Disfluency.” in Proceedings of Eurospeech2003, Switzerland, Geneva, 2003.
- 陳銘軍, 葉瑞峰, 吳宗憲, “以知識概念模型為基礎之多主題對話管理系統.” in Proceedings of ROCLING XV, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2003.
- J.F. Yeh, C.H. Wu and M.J. Chen, “Semantic Inference based on Ontology for Medical FAQ Mining.” in Proc. of IEEE on the Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering(NLPKE’03), Beijing, 2003, pp.710-715
- Jia Hsin Hsieh, Chung-Hsien Wu and Kuao-Ann Fung.”Two Stage Story Segmentation and Detection on Broadcast News Using Genetic Algorithm.” In Proceedings of 2003 ISCA Workshop on Multilingual Spoken Document Retrieval, MSDR 2003, Hong Kong, 2003.
- Ze-Jing Chuang and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Text-to-Visual Speech Synthesis for General Objects Using Parameter-Based Lip Models.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series (LNCS2532), Springer-Verlag, 2002, pp.589~597. (SCI)
- Ze-Jing Chuang and Chung-Hsien Wu.”Emotion Recognition via Acoustic Features and Semantic Contents in Speech.” In Proceedings of International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing, ISCSLP 2002, Taipei, 2002.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Yu-Hsien Chiu, and Kung-Wei Cheng, “Sign Language Translation Using an Error Tolerant Retrieval Algorithm.” In Proceedings of International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 2002, Denver, 2002.
- Ze-Jing Chuang and Chung-Hsien Wu“Emotion Recognition from Textual Input using an Emotional Semantic Network.” In Proceedings of International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 2002, Denver, 2002.
- Yu-Sheng Lai, Kuao-Ann Fung and Chung-Hsien Wu*, "FAQ Mining via List Detection." In Proceedings of the Workshop on Multilingual Summarization and Question Answering, 2002. (A post-conference workshop in conjunction with COLING 2002)
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Yu-Hsien Chiu and Huigan Lim, “Perceptual speech modeling for noisy speech recognition.” in Proceedings of ICASSP2002, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2002.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Yu-Hsien Chiu, and Kung-Wei Cheng, ”Multi-Modal Sign Icon Retrieval for Augmentative Communication.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series (LNCS2195), Springer-Verlag, 2001, pp.598~605. (SCI)
- Yeou-Jiunn Chen and Chung-Hsien Wu“Using Chi-square testing in modeling confusion characteristics for robust phonetic set generation.” in Proceedings of ROCLING XIV, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C. 2001.
- Chung-Hsien Wu and Gwo-Lang Yan, “Discriminative Disfluency Modeling for Spontaneous Speech Recognition.” in Proceedings of Eurospeech2001-Scandinavia, Aalborg, Denmark, 2001.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Yeou-Jiunn Chen, and Cher-Yao Yang, ”Error Recovery and Sentence Verification Using Statistical Partial Pattern Tree for Conversational Speech.” in Proceedings of ICSLP2000, Beijing, China, 2000.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Yu-Hsien Chiu, and Chi-Shiang Guo, “Natural Language Processing for Taiwanese Sign Language to Speech Conversion.” in Proceedings of ICSLP2000, Beijing, China, 2000.
- Yu-Sheng Lai, Kuen-Lin Lee and Chung-Hsien Wu*.” Intention Extraction and Semantic Matching for Internet FAQ Retrieval Using Spoken Language Query.” in Proceedings of ICSLP2000, Beijing, China, 2000.
- 邱毓賢,吳宗憲,郭啟祥,鍾高基, “PC-Based台灣手語轉語音溝通輔助系統.” in Proceedings of ROCLING XIII, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. 2000.
- 賴育昇,李坤霖,吳宗憲, ”網際網路FAQ檢索中意圖萃取與語意比對之研究.” in Proceedings of ROCLING XIII, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. 2000.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Gwo-Lang Yan and Chien-Liang Lin, “Speech act modeling in a spoken dialogue system using fuzzy hidden Markov model and Bayes’ decision criterion.” in Proceedings of Eurospeech99, Budapest, Hungary, 1999, pp.1383-1386.
- 佘永吉、鍾高基、吳宗憲, “臺語多音調音節合成單元資料庫暨文字轉語音雛型系統之發展.” in Proceedings of ROCLING XII, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, R.O.C. 1999, pp.15-36.
- Yu-Sheng Lai and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “On modeling remote and local dependencies in language.” in Proceedings of ROCLING XII, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, R.O.C. 1999, pp.123-136.
- Yeou-Jiunn Chen, Chung-Hsien Wu*, and Gwo-Lang Yan, “Utterance verification using prosodic information for Mandarin telephone speech keyword spotting.” in Proceedings of ICASSP’99, Phoenix, USA, 1999.
- Chung-Hsien Wu and Jau-Hung Chen, “Template-driven generation of prosodic information for Chinese concatenative synthesis.” in Proceedings of ICASSP’99, Phoenix, USA, 1999.
- Yu- Sheng Lai and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Unknown word and phrase extraction using a phrase-like-unit-based likelihood ratio.” in Proceedings of ICCPOL’99, Tokushima, Japan, 1999.
- Jau-Hung Chen and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Automatic selection of synthesis units from a large speech database.” in Proceedings of PACLIC13, Taipei, Taiwan, 1999.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Yeou-Jiunn Chen, and Yu-Chun Hung, “Robust Multi-Keyword Spotting of Telephone Speech Using Stochastic Matching.” in Proceedings of ICS’98, Tainan, Taiwan, 1998.
- 顏國郎,吳宗憲,林建良, “應用隱藏式馬可夫模型於口述對話系統之研究.” in Proceedings of ROCLING XI, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, 1998.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Yeou-Jiunn Chen, and Yu-Chun Hung, “Telephone Speech Multi-Keyword Spotting Using Fuzzy Search Algorithm and Prosodic Verification.” in Proceedings of ICSLP98, Sydney, Australia, 1998.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Gwo-Lang Yan, and Chien-Liang Lin, “Spoken Dialogue System Using Corpus-Based Hidden Markov Model.” in Proceedings of ICSLP98, Sydney, Australia, 1998.
- 吳宗憲, "航空資訊服務系統之口述對話模型." in Proceedings of the 1998 Computer & Communications Technologies Conference and Exhibition (COTEC’98), 台北, pp. E2-4.1-4.12, 1998.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Yeou-Jiunn Chen, and Gwo-Lang Yan, “Intelligent Call Manager Based on the Integration of Computer Telephony, Internet and Speech Processing.” in 1998 Digest of technical papers, International Conference on Consumer Electronics, pp., Los Angeles, June 2-4, 1998.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Yeou-Jiunn Chen, and Gwo-Lang Yan, “Utterance Verification Using Prosodic Information for Mandarin Telephone Speech Keyword Spotting.” in Proceedings of 1998 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies & Applications, pp. 242-246, 1998. (NSC87-2622-E-006-008)
- Chung-Hsien Wuand Yeou-Jiunn Chen, “Use of prosodic information for Mandarin word post-recognition.” in Proceedings of TENCON’97, Brisbane, Australia, Dec. 2-4, 1997, pp.268-271.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Selection of glottal excitation for low bit rate speech coder with speaker recognizability.” in Proceedings of TENCON’97, Brisbane, Australia, Dec. 2-4, 1997, pp.620-623.
- Chung-Hsien Wu and Ja-Ching Tsai, “A low bit rate speech coder with better speaker recognizability.” in Proceedings of 1997 International Symposium on Communications (ISCOM’97), Hsinchu, Taiwan, December 17-19, 1997, pp.534-538.
- Chung-Hsien Wu and Jau-Hueng Chen, "Speech activated telephony e-mail reader (SATER) based on speaker verification and text-to-speech conversion.” in 1997 Digest of technical papers, International Conference on Consumer Electronics, pp.338-339, Chicago, June 11-13, 1997.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Discriminant Mandarin speech keyword spotting using segmental Bayesian network.” in Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, pp.198-203, 1997. (NSC83-0408-E-006-014, NSC84-2213-E-006-039)
- Jau-Hueng Chen and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Selection of synthesis units and word prosodic patterns in a Chinese text-to-speech system using a large speech database.” in Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, pp.242-245, 1997. (NSC85-2622-E-006-003)
- Jhing-Fa Wang, Jhy-Shing Shyuu, and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “A Mandarin voice organizer based on a template matching speech recognizer.” in Proceedings of the 11th Pacific Asia Computing Linguistics and Information Conference, pp. 289-296, Korea, 1996.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, “Techniques and applications for Chinese text-to-speech conversion.” in Proceedings of 1996 Multimedia Technology and Applications Workshop, pp. 97-105, Dec., 1996.
- Chung-Hsien Wu and Yeou-Jiunn Chen, “Use of multifrequency decomposition for speech recognition.” in Proceedings of 1996 International Symposium on Multi-Technology Information Processing, pp.583-588, 1996. (NSC85-2213-E-006-068)
- Chung-Hsien Wuand Jau-Hueng Chen, “Synthesis unit selection and word prosody adjustment in a Chinese text-to-speech system.” in Proceedings of 1996 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp.199-204, 1996. (NSC85-2622-E-006-003)
- Jau-Hueng Chen, and Chung-Hsien Wu*, “On the process of coarticulation for a CELP-based Chinese text-to-speech system using LSP frequencies.” in Proceedings of 1996 IEEE Region Ten Conference (TENCON) , Perth, Western Australia, pp.37-41, 1996. (NSC85-2622-E-006-003)
- 王駿發,劉誠勇,吳宗憲,張哲賓, "利用多重連語規則之電腦語音行事曆系統" Proceedings of ROCLING IX, pp.105-119, 1996. (NSC85-2622-E-006-003)
- 吳宗憲,陳昭宏,林超群, "中英文文句翻語音中連音處理之研究." Proceedings of ROCLING IX, pp.85-104, 1996. (NSC85-2622-E-006-003)
- Chung-Hsien Wu and Jau-Hueng Chen, “Chinese text-to-speech conversion based on a Bayesian network-based prosodic model.” in Proceedings of 1996 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies & Applications, pp. 353-359, 1996. (NSC84-2622-E-006-006)
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Jau-Hueng Chen, and Hsin-Chung Chuang, “On the process of Pohin characters and prosody for Chinese text-to-speech system based on Bayesian networks.” in Proceedings of 1995 International Symposium. on Artificial Neural Networks, 1995. (NSC84-2622-E-006-006)
- Jhing-Fa Wang, An-Nan Suen, Jia-Ru Lee, and Chung-Hsien Wu*, "A Bayesian neural network chip design for speech recognition system." in Proceedings of IEEE International Conf. on Neural Network, 1995. (NSC83-0425-E-006-032R)
- 吳宗憲,陳昭宏,莊欣中, "以CELP為基礎之文句翻語音中韻律訊息之產生與調整." Proceedings of ROCLING VIII, pp.233-251, 1995. (NSC84-2622-E-006-006)
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Ching-Wen Lo, and Jhing-Fa Wang, "Computer-aided analysis and classification of heart sounds based on neural networks and time analysis." Proceedings of IEEE ICASSP'95, pp. 3455-3458, 1995. (NSC82-0420-E-006-084)
- 王駿發,吳宗憲,白英文,許志興,孫安南,陳昭宏,吳富政, "中文語音輸出入系統與PDA應用發展之規劃." Proceedings of First Workshop on Mobile Computing, pp.47-54, 1995.
- Jyh-Shing Shyuu, Jhing-Fa Wang, and Chung-Hsien Wu*, "A robust and huge vocabulary Mandarin speech recognition system with a friendly human-interface design." Proceedings of 1994 Global Cooperative Software Development Conference, pp.45-55, 1994. (NSC83-0425-E-006-032R)
- Jyh-Shing Shyuu, Jhing-Fa Wang, and Chung-Hsien Wu*, "A channel-weighting method for speech recognition using wavelet decomposition." Proceedings of IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS'94), Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 519-523, 1994.
- Jau-Hueng Chen, Chung-Hsien Wu*, and Jhing-Fa Wang, "A two-level method using a decimation-in-degree algorithm for the computation of the LSP frequencies." Proceedings of IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS'94), Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 400-405, 1994. (NSC81-0408-E-006-536)
- 許志興,王駿發,吳宗憲, "一具友善人機介面之高可靠度巨量詞彙中文語音辨認系統."第三屆全國人機語音通訊學術會議論文集,重慶,pp. 153-156, 1994. (NSC83-0425-E-006-032R)
- 吳宗憲,王駿發."語音辨認中階層式以文法為主之馬可夫語言模型." 第三屆全國人機語音通訊學術會議論文集,重慶,pp. 265-268, 1994. (NSC82-0115-E-006-461)
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, and Jhing-Fa Wang, "A language processing model for Mandarin speech recognition using scoring unit and grammar-based Markov language model." Proceedings of 1994 International Conference on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, Taejeon, Korea, May 10-13, pp.126-131, 1994. (NSC82-0115-E-006-461)
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Jau-Hueng Chen, and Jhing-Fa Wang, "A lateral inhibition Gaussian network for hierarchical text-independent speaker identification." Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on IC Technology, System & Applications, Singapore, pp.120-124, 1993. (NSC81-0408-E-006-536)
- R.C. Shyu, J.F. Wang, C.C. Huang, C.H. Wu, J.S. Shyuu, and J.Y. Lee, "Combining multi-section Bayesian template with level-building algorithm for robust connected Mandarin digit recognition." Proceedings of International Symposium on VLSI Technology, System, and Application, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.213-217, 1993.
- R.C. Shyu, J.F. Wang, C.C. Huang, C.H. Wu, and J.Y. Lee, "A vowel-driven connected Mandarin digit recognition system." Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computers, Communication, and Automation, Vol. 3, pp.638-641, 1993.
- R.C. Shyu, C.C. Huang, J.F. Wang, C.H. Wu, J.S. Shyu, and J.Y. Lee, "Several specially designed approaches for connected Mandarin recognition." Proceedings of 1992 International Computer Symposium, Taichung, Taiwan, pp.479-485, 1992.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Jhing-Fa Wang, and Jau-Hueng Chen, "Hierarchical text-independent speaker identification using lateral inhibition Gaussian networks." Proceedings of 1992 International Computer Symposium, Taichung, Taiwan, pp.938-945, 1992. (NSC81-0408-E-006-536)
- Chaug-Ching Haung, Jhing-Fa Wang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, and Jau-Yien Lee, "A connected Mandarin recognition system using dynamic programming Bayesian neural network." Proceedings of ICCIP'92, China, pp., 1992.
- Ruey-Ching Shyu, Jhing-Fa Wang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Ming-Yng Chen and Jau-Yien Lee, "A robust connected Mandarin digit recognizer based on Bayesian template." Proceedings of 1992 International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese & Oriental Languages, Florida, USA, pp.100-107, 1992.
- Ruey-Ching Shyu, Jhing-Fa Wang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Shing-Nan Tsay, and Jau-Yien Lee, "A connected Mandarin digit recognizer." Proceedings of 1992 International Conference on Microwaves and Communications, China, pp.188-193, 1992.
- Chaug-Ching Haung, Jhing-Fa Wang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Yu-Seng Lu, and Jau-Yien Lee, "A robust connected Mandarin speech recognizer using Bayesian neural networks." Proceedings of 1992 IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.443-457, 1992.
- Jhing-Fa Wang, Chaug-Ching Haung, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Yu-Seng Lu, and Jau-Yien Lee, "A speaker dependent connected Mandarin speech recognition system with incremental learning ability." Proceedings of The First ROC-Japan Seminar on New Speech Recognition Method, Hsinchu, Taiwan, pp.107-117, Nov. 1991.
- Jhing-Fa Wang, Chaug-Ching Haung, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Yu-Seng Lu, and Jau-Yien Lee, "A speaker dependent connected Mandarin speech recognition system with incremental learning ability." Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on IC Design, Manufacture & Applications, pp.552-557, 1991.
- Chung-Hsien Wu*, Jhing-Fa Wang, Chaug-Ching Haung, and Jau-Yien Lee, "Speaker-independent word recognition using concatenated neural networks with continuous mixture densities." Proceedings of 1991 International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese & Oriental Languages, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.307-312, 1991.
- Jhing-Fa Wang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Chaug-Ching Haung, and Jau-Yien Lee, "Integrating neural nets and one-stage dynamic programming for speaker independent continuous Mandarin digit recognition." Proceedings of IEEE ICASSP'91, pp.69-72, 1991.
- Jhing-Fa Wang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Chaug-Ching Haung, and Jau-Yien Lee, "Speaker independent recognition of isolated words using concatenated neural networks." 第一屆語音識別學術報告與展示會論文集, pp.96-117, 1990.
- Jhing-Fa Wang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Wen-Horng Wu, and Jau-Yien Lee, "Confusing/Composite pattern recognition using a shunting multi-layer perceptron network." Proceedings of 1990 Telecommunication Symposium, pp.458-463, 1990.
- Jhing-Fa Wang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Ruey-Ching Shyu, and Jau-Yien Lee, "On segmentation and recognition of connected spoken digits based on neural network model." Presented at the 1990 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, San diego, California, 1990.
- Jhing-Fa Wang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Chaug-Ching Haung, Jau-Yien Lee, "On the application of cascaded neural networks to speaker independent continuous digit recognition." Proceedings of National Computer Symposium (ROC), pp.768-775, 1989.
- J.F. Wang, L.W. Lee, C.H. Wu, J.Y. LEE, "A speech recognition system based on Hopfield neural optimization network." Proceedings of International Computer Symposium (ROC), pp.548-553, 1988.
- Jhing-Fa Wang, Chung-Hsien Wu*, Jau-Yien Lee, Chia-Nien Wang, "Mandarin syllable recognition system with learning ability based on neural network model." Proceedings of 1988 International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese & Oriental Languages, Toronto, Canada, pp.513-517, 1988.